Tuesday, 29 March 2011

New blogs from Paul so far in March 2010

9th March www.hastings-dream-cycle.blogspot.com
-This is some private space for dreaming that I'm willing to publically share. In the words of Captain Sensible -or is it "South Pacific"- "You've got to have a dream, if you don't have a dream; how you gonna have adream come true?. If you don't talk happy, and you never have a dream, then you'll never have a dream come true".

20th March - 3 jewels blog, which I share with those in the Triratna Buddhist Community who I am in a "going for refuge" group or some kalyana mitrata relationship. (If you're not connected to the TBC or have even once encountered the fwbo.org, forgive the jargon).
- The blog is where I do some of the work of transforming myself into someone who can be deemed to have effectively gone for reguge to the three jewels.
(It's all the stuff I've left out of my soon to be publically published autobiography). Some of the text is gobbldy-gook because it was read from an old manuscript by character recognition software.
22nd March www.imperfectidealist.blogspot.com

At a "wolf at the door" writing workshop in March 2011, we were tasked, within 10 minutes to do the following:
1) Write your autobiography in exactly 100 words
2) Whittle it down to 30
3) Now sum-up your life in this number of non-hyphenated words: one.
For me, that word was 'justify'.
9 web-pages with photos and films make up www.imperfectidealist.blogspot.com and within these pages there is only a hint of the book's central secret.
Two days after the writing workshop, I recognise that, on one level, all 200 odd pages of The Imperfect Idealist are, so to speak, just a longer justification of my existence. 
24th March  www.whatkindofwater.com

 This blog was inspired by being asked by the meditation teacher Vajradaka at the beginning and end of a meditation session: "What kind of water are you?". At the beginning I was fizzing water (with a Vitamin C tablet in it); at the end I was the water swirling round a plughole; with a sense of impending direction. What kind of water are you?
26th March - http://restorativetechnology.blogspot.com/  
The National Endowment for Science, Technology & the Arts are funding a pilot project being provided by Restorative Technology Ltd , whose director and CEO is Paul Crosland, whose work in Restorative Justice has been seen as ahead of its time, yet is fast becoming timely.
At the 2010 Social Innovation Camp, (called Jailbrake) SafeGround won first prize:
& http://vimeo.com/12484271

"The Restorative Technology Ltd wider vision is both to enable increased understanding between those involved in and affected by crimes and also to encourage responsibility being taken by all who can contribute to generating safer societies."                (Director and CEO -Paul Crosland)
29th March - www.paulsnewestblog.blogspot.com 
This blog is inspired by getting this facebook comment: "Satya Darshin: paulsnewestblog.blogspot.com It's a blog about your prodigious blog creation, for those of us that can't keep up". Thanks for the idea. As I said a few minutes earlier on facebook: What do you blog about? If not, why not?; have you no interests that could be sharpened and shared this way?

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